Jae Gangemi

Software Engineer/Consultant | jgangemi at gmail.com


15+ years hands-on experience leading all stages of system development efforts, including requirements definition, design, architecture, testing, and support.

Strong technical and analytical skills, combined with out-of-the-box thinking.

Knowledge and use of design pattern implementation, object-oriented (OO), Agile methodologies, and best practice programming techniques.

Adept at developing effective development policies and procedures, project documentation and milestones, and technical/business specifications.

Highly motivated, responsible, independent self-starter capable of quick learning, mastering new skills and technologies, and producing quality work.



Software Consulant
Jae Gangemi

Available for software consultanting services.

Currently consulting for:

  • Fairwinds Partners, LLC

JUNE 2010 - JULY 2012

Senior Software Engineer
BMC Software (formerly GridApp Systems) - New York, NY

Contracted in 2005 to create a basic domain name registration system for an external client. Brought back full-time in 2006 as a senior developer to build an enterprise database automation tool capable of installing and discovering complex database systems across multiple platforms, in addition to facilitating easier system and DBA administration activities. Acquired by BMC in 2010 and recently tasked with integrating the automation tool with the flagship cloud offering. The majority of the automation tool is written in Perl (encrypted code base, executed via an embedded interpreter), with the cloud integration in Java.

  • Responsible for full product life cycle development of:
    • Provisioning and auto discovery of Oracle (10.2 - 12.1 RAC/Restart/Standalone) across multiple platforms (Linux/Solaris/HP-UX/AIX/Windows).
    • 'Actions', an interface to allow user generated content to be executed against supported object types.
    • 'Reports', an interface to allow users to generate timeline, comparison, licensing and information reports against supported object types.
    • Integration of core automation tool as an OSGi bundle in an Equiniox environment for use in Platform/Infrastructure as a Service cloud offerings.
  • Performed system audit to diagnose and address performance bottlenecks.
  • Designed and implemented system frameworks used through the automation product.
  • Integrated Inline::Java to allow automation tool to access cloud platform libraries.
  • Created Java API to wrap the automation tool SOAP interface to facilitate integration with the cloud platform and prototype integration with Amazon’s AWS RDS offerings.
  • General product refactoring to reduce code duplication and defects.
  • Daily review of escalated customer support cases to determine if issues are product and/or environment related.
  • Participated in daily scrum meetings and code reviews of completed work using CodeCollaborator.
  • Setup and Administered Hudson to handle continuous builds of the Java code.
  • Created domain name registration backend, integrating registry toolkits and creating an API for a web frontend using Java (contract).

2005, 2006 - 2014

Software Developer
Generic Network Solutions - New York, NY

Hired to design and implement solutions Java solutions built on top of various web services for the following client based project requests:

  • Pre-paid credit card portal site allowing customers to check balances, pay bills, transfer money and other applicable actions.
  • Standalone reporting server using embedded Jetty instance and JasperReports.
  • SMS/Email web service used to send alerts for system outages, customer notifications, etc.

2005 - 2006

Software Engineer
TSYS Prepaid, Inc - New York, NY

Transitioned back to NYC from Maryland to a small startup prepaid credit card company that was then acquired by TSYS Prepaid.

  • Recommended, setup, and administered a Confluence instance.
  • Enhanced touchtone telephone interface backend software and ACH deposit processing.
  • Integrated JBoss/Jython using a custom deployment listener to address initialization issues upon container startup.

2004 - 2005

Technical Lead
Register.com - New York, NY / Columbia, MD

Started as a junior developer, building a domain name registration in a startup environment before rising to the level of Technical Lead and relocating to Maryland where key assistance was provided to replace the original Perl/CGI/PLSQL system with a new Java/J2EE infrastructure that leveraged various open source technologies.

  • Responsible for full product life cycle development of:
    • Provisioning and management system for 3rd party services offered to expand domain services.
    • Integration of registration and management functionality for new top level domain extensions (.biz, .info, .name), including registry accreditation and sunrise registrations.
    • Multilingual portal to allow registration of domains in other languages.
    • Automated email notification system to alert users to upcoming expiring services and renewal options.
  • Contributing member of the Architecture Committee, responsibilities included:
    • Review and recommendation of new technologies for the next generation systems.
    • Requirement analysis and design of next generation system architectures.
    • Architected and executed a design for integration with Oracle Financials System.
  • Designed and implemented web interfaces, backend systems, and core components for what now would be referred as a legacy system.
  • Served as primary technical liaison with the new GTLD registries during implementation initiative.
  • Implemented build framework using Ant/XDoclet to allow for repeatability, continuous integration via CruiseControl, weekly integration builds and easy of deployment into production.
  • Setup, configuration, and troubleshooting of JBoss application server in development, staging, and production environments.
  • Solved development and deployment issues through creative solutions such as client/server interceptors, custom resource deployers, and transparent, pluggable message handlers.
  • Authored documents on standards, conventions, and development best practices; user guides.
  • Facilitated peer code reviews to ensure standards and coding practices were adhered to.
  • 2000 - 2004


    BA, Computer Science
    Rutgers University - New Brunswick, NJ

    May 2000


    jgangemi at gmail.com


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